Monday, March 24, 2008

A woman I knew

There was a woman I knew once
Her beauty was awe inspiring
And she wore her pride on her head like a crown
She wrapped her confidence around her neck like the fine beads her mother gave
In the palm of her heart she kept mine
Her body was molded and perfected by the hand of the Creator
Solely to deliver His gift of life
Her chest was full and her breasts rich with the milk that built nations
Her hips were carved and chiseled impeccably to give birth to tomorrow
So...hypothetically the rising and the setting of the sun were placed in between her hips
Swaying from side to side
Echoing hypnotically into infinity
This dismantled the very fabric of the men who craved to be with her
She traded in her beads; she took off her crown and left her confidence out for the hyenas to tear up
All for the smooth silky fabric that did not fit her waist
The cut of that dress did not flatter her hips
Her chest was too full and her breasts were just too big
She smiled and laughed but she had no joy
They made the dresses smaller even and in to them she had to fit
She tried and over centauries she passed down to her daughters that into that dress she had to fit, but it didn happen
So what they learned was that she was not enough
She was not slim enough, that her hair was not soft enough
That her skin was not fair enough, that her feet were not small enough
And eventually she felt ugly and that she was not good enough!
But one of these daughters realized, that before 'they' created this size two into which she had fit
Her body was already dancing in her Creators all its glory
So she tore that dress to shreds, and with it went the standards of beauty that did not worship her curves
She put back her crown; she wrapped her confidence around her neck even tighter and retrieved her beads
Her body was not too big for that dress
That dress was not worthy of her body
Till this day that woman holds in the palm of her heart, mine
And this woman I knew
Is the woman in you

Love yourselves ALL your glory!

(Image By natiq on


girlinuthopia said...

From your words, I'm inspired to hear more of how you feel about this woman you pictured. You seems to be writing about someone you know. Best to show your real feelings....rather than picturing her. Can one know how you feel, if you only speak of her but not yourself....

girlinuthopia said...

You words had inspired me to find more. I think you should post all your work here....

My fav among all would be your words from "From One Keeper to Another" and "A Twised Mirage".

Lee' said...

Yea,big upz 2 all the beautiful ladies out there...thanx 4 luvin us